module documentation

Internal use: rospy initialization.

This is mainly routines for initializing the master or slave based on the OS environment.

Class RosStreamHandler Undocumented
Function start_node Load ROS slave node, initialize from environment variables @param environ: environment variables @type environ: dict @param resolved_name: resolved node name @type resolved_name: str @param master_uri: override ROS_MASTER_URI: XMlRPC URI of central ROS server @type master_uri: str @param port: override ROS_PORT: port of slave xml-rpc node @type port: int @param tcpros_port: override the port of the TCP server @type tcpros_port: int @return: node server instance @rtype rosgraph...
Constant DEFAULT_NODE_PORT Undocumented
Function _node_run_error If XML-RPC errors out of the run() method, this handler is invoked
def start_node(environ, resolved_name, master_uri=None, port=0, tcpros_port=0):

Load ROS slave node, initialize from environment variables @param environ: environment variables @type environ: dict @param resolved_name: resolved node name @type resolved_name: str @param master_uri: override ROS_MASTER_URI: XMlRPC URI of central ROS server @type master_uri: str @param port: override ROS_PORT: port of slave xml-rpc node @type port: int @param tcpros_port: override the port of the TCP server @type tcpros_port: int @return: node server instance @rtype rosgraph.xmlrpc.XmlRpcNode @raise ROSInitException: if node has already been started



def _node_run_error(e):

If XML-RPC errors out of the run() method, this handler is invoked