module documentation

TCPROS connection protocol.

Implements: U{}

The rospy tcpros implementation is split into three areas:
  • L{rospy.tcpros_base}: common TCPROS routines, including header and connection processing
  • L{rospy.tcpros_pubsub}: Topic-specific capabilities for publishing and subscribing
  • L{rospy.tcpros_service}: Service-specific capabilities
Function get_tcpros_handler Undocumented
Function init_tcpros @param tcpros_port: override the port of the TCP server @type tcpros_port: int
Variable _handler Undocumented
def get_tcpros_handler():


def init_tcpros(port=0):

@param tcpros_port: override the port of the TCP server @type tcpros_port: int

_handler =
