module documentation
Internal use: common TCPROS libraries
Class |
ROS Protocol handler for TCPROS. Accepts both TCPROS topic connections as well as ROS service connections over TCP. TCP server socket is run once start_server() is called -- this is implicitly called during init_publisher(). |
Class |
Generic implementation of TCPROS exchange routines for both topics and services |
Class |
Abstraction of TCPROS connections. Implementations Services/Publishers/Subscribers must implement this protocol, which defines how messages are deserialized from an inbound connection (read_messages()) as well as which fields to send when creating a new connection (get_header_fields()). |
Class |
Simple server that accepts inbound TCP/IP connections and hands them off to a handler function. TCPServer obeys the ROS_IP/ROS_HOSTNAME environment variables |
Function | get |
get the address of the tcpros server. @raise Exception: if tcpros server has not been started or created |
Function | init |
starts the TCPROS server socket for inbound connections @param port: listen on the provided port. If the port number is 0, the port will |
Function | recv |
Read data from socket into buffer. @param sock: socket to read from @type sock: socket.socket @param b: buffer to receive into @type b: StringIO @param buff_size: recv read size @type buff_size: int @return: number of bytes read @rtype: int... |
Function | start |
start the TCPROS server if it has not started already |
Constant | DEFAULT |
Undocumented |
Constant | TCPROS |
Undocumented |
Variable | logger |
Undocumented |
Variable | python3 |
Undocumented |
Function | _error |
utility handler that does nothing more than provide a rejection header @param sock: socket connection @type sock: socket.socket @param client_addr: client address @type client_addr: str @param header: request header @type header: dict... |
Function | _is |
Undocumented |
Constant | _PARAM |
Undocumented |
Variable | _tcpros |
Undocumented |
Variable | _use |
Undocumented |
Variable | _use |
Undocumented |
get the address of the tcpros server. @raise Exception: if tcpros server has not been started or created
starts the TCPROS server socket for inbound connections @param port: listen on the provided port. If the port number is 0, the port will
be chosen randomly
@type port: int
Read data from socket into buffer. @param sock: socket to read from @type sock: socket.socket @param b: buffer to receive into @type b: StringIO @param buff_size: recv read size @type buff_size: int @return: number of bytes read @rtype: int