module documentation

Internal use: Topic-specific extensions for TCPROS support

Class QueuedConnection It wraps a Transport instance and behaves like one but it queues the data written to it and relays them asynchronously to the wrapped instance.
Class TCPROSHandler ROS Protocol handler for TCPROS. Accepts both TCPROS topic connections as well as ROS service connections over TCP. TCP server socket is run once start_server() is called -- this is implicitly called during init_publisher().
Class TCPROSPub Publisher transport implementation for publishing topic data via peer-to-peer TCP/IP sockets.
Class TCPROSSub Subscription transport implementation for receiving topic data via peer-to-peer TCP/IP sockets
Function check_if_still_publisher Undocumented
Function robust_connect_subscriber Keeps trying to create connection for subscriber. Then passes off to receive_loop once connected.
Function _configure_pub_socket Configure socket options on a new publisher socket. @param sock: socket.socket @type sock: socket.socket @param is_tcp_nodelay: if True, TCP_NODELAY will be set on outgoing socket if available @param is_tcp_nodelay: bool...
def check_if_still_publisher(resolved_topic_name, pub_uri):


def robust_connect_subscriber(conn, dest_addr, dest_port, pub_uri, receive_cb, resolved_topic_name):

Keeps trying to create connection for subscriber. Then passes off to receive_loop once connected.

def _configure_pub_socket(sock, is_tcp_nodelay):

Configure socket options on a new publisher socket. @param sock: socket.socket @type sock: socket.socket @param is_tcp_nodelay: if True, TCP_NODELAY will be set on outgoing socket if available @param is_tcp_nodelay: bool